People know, title as main name or heading of a story. But in html, use this title attribute for giving more information about content or Story on the webpage. This information always be hidden behind the web page. That could be became warning, note or message for the user. When a user move mouse pointer over the contents. Where using the title attribute, the hidden massage showing. This information shown as a tooltip (pop-up) on the browser. It's a part of global attributes and can be used with any html elements. This attribute contains single value text. At the present time, the title attributes supported by all popular browser like Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari etc.
Syntax :
<tag title="value">content</tag>
Note: In this following example, we are using title attribute and give value in text format "This is 18+ stories." for heading name "Amazonia Is A Haunted Forest!". The value of the title is massage for heading h1.